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Act I, Scene 2


Solution: MDCALC

Each letter clue clues for a medical term that includes a numeral.

Letter Clue answer Number
a CD8 8
b ADAMTS13 13
c free T4 4
d G6PD 6
e Factor VII 7
f Factor IX 9
g CA125 125
h CA19.9 19.9
i 25-hydroxy vitamin D 25
j 21-hydroxylase 21
k free T3 3
l CURB-65 65
m coenzyme Q10 10
n Chromosome 18 18
o type 3c diabetes 3
p CA15.3 15.3
q vitamin B1 1
r 5-HIAA 5
s parvovirus B19 19
t COVID-19 19

Simply assign the numeral to the letter and plug it into the big equation, being careful to follow BODMAS rules! The letters "h" and "p" respectively require the ceiling (round up) and floor (round down) functions.

The equation works out to be an eight-digit number which we partition into 10 6 4 8 65 4. Using the same letter-numeral key as before, gives the answer MDCALC.